Liv Morgan felt guilty after Ruby Soho was fired by WWE
Liv Morgan recently revealed that she felt some feelings of guilt after Ruby Soho (a.k.a Ruby Riott) was let go by WWE.
Before being released in 2021, Soho worked for WWE for 5 years, the majority of that time, she spent with Morgan in the group known as the Riott Squad.
Speaking to Ariel Helwani on BT Sport, Liv stated that she assumed when Ruby was fired that she would be next.
"She calls me and she's like 'I just got fired' and I live on a farm and I don't get cell service. So in that moment I was like 'oh me too, like if they fired Ruby, they've fired me'." Morgan added: "And then I wasn't fired and I'm so grateful that I wasn't but in that moment it was almost worse that I wasn't also fired. I don't want her to feel like I was better than her because I don't believe that, you know. So I just I didn't know how to handle my best friend, who I'm in a tag team with being let go and me still be here. Really bad survivors guilt." From 25:36 to 27:30Despite no longer working together in WWE, both women remain very close friends to this day.
Ruby Soho was excited for Liv Morgan after her big win
Earlier this month the 28 year old star reached new heights in WWE as she won the money in the Bank Ladder match.
Following her win, Soho, who now works for AEW, sent out an emotional tweet after seeing her friend win the biggest match of her career.
"Smiling from ear to ear right now." H/T TwitterAfter her huge ladder match win, Liv Morgan would go on to cash in her Money in the Bank contract against Ronda Rousey to become the new SmackDown Women's Champion, and the two stars will now meet in a rematch this Saturday at SummerSlam.
Who do you see leaving SummerSlam as the Champion? Let us know in the comments section below.
If you use the quotes, please credit BT Sport and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription.
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